Messages Series
In a world of doubt, 1 John offers believers profound assurance. This short book addresses our need for certainty in faith and an unshakeable foundation. John explores the assurance of salvation, God’s love, and confident prayer. He reinforces truth, reminds...
Short Stories
Jesus told many short stories; we call them parables. Parables are stories about God and His kingdom and challenge the listener. When Jesus told parables, he often had a group of people in mind. The challenge Jesus offers can be...
Summer in the Psalms
The book of Psalms is a treasure of practical insights to help us deal with life’s ups and downs. The wisdom of the Psalms shows us how these writings still matter in our lives today, providing invaluable insights into how...
I Doubt It
Doubt is often seen as a sign of weak faith, but that’s not necessarily the case. God is not afraid of our doubts, so we don’t need to be either. In the series “Doubting God,” we’re creating a space to...