Missionary Support
Our desire is to make Him known among the nations and throughout our neighborhoods!
Mission & Outreach Team Support Policy
In an effort to be more connected, accountable to each other, and make sure areas SMC supports stay connected to the vision of SMC, it has become necessary to implement a policy for those receiving ongoing financial support:
- All parties requesting support should submit an application to the Mission Outreach Team for discernment
- Persons to be considered for support will need to accept the current Mennonite Confession of Faith and all its Articles
- Each individual or family will receive no more than $6,000 per year in financial support
- SMC support commitments will not exceed 3 years
(Reapplication can be initiated at the end of the three-year maximum commitment) - First-time applicants will be invited to a face-to-face interview with the Mission Outreach Team when possible
- Those receiving SMC support are encouraged to share updates, blogs, and various media connections, as well as visit SMC when “on leave”
Approved February 2018 by SMC Mission & Outreach Team